Bath PSM Best Practices methodology is utilized in performing each study.
Bath PSM considers the following assessments as the core services we provide in our business:
Hazardous Area Classification is a probability analysis and risk assessment evaluation of a manufacturing or process area possessing a potentially flammable atmosphere that focuses exclusively on mimimizing the risk of electrical energy as a potential or probable source of ignition. Progress equipment (e.g. storage tanks, pumps, compressors, and process vessels), process-related buildings (e.g. compressor sheds and Analyzer Buildings), and Electrical buildings are typically evaluated as part of the HAC study.
It should be the common goal of all involved parties in the assessment study to strive to achieve a classification assessment that defines an acceptable level of safety along with an acceptable level of risk that results in the reduction of the cost of electrical installations.
The request for a Consequence Analysis study to determine the impact of a potential chemical release to the environment has various drivers. Proposed new equipment, a change in exposure limits or reportable quantities, or encroachment on previously open areas may require a new or updated study.
The Bath PSM methodology for a Consequence Analysis study focuses on comparing the extent of the potential release versus the toxicity limits or reportable quantities for the chemical in question. This Consequence Analysis methodology includes:
- Technical analysis of process operating data
- Gas/Vapor Dispersion Modeling software utilized
- Recommended installation height for gas detectors
- Results via “Audit Proof” documentation for all point sources of emissions within the study scope
Installed process electrical equipment as well as electrical system installation practices are compared against recognized Codes, Standards, and Recommended Practices to perform the Hazardous Area Classification (HAC) Compliance study. Process-related buildings (e.g. compressor sheds, Analyzer Buildings, and Electrical Buildings) as well as process equipment are typically included in the scope of a HAC Compliance Assessment study.
Bath PSM can complete an HAC Compliance Assessment study on a single production unit or entire facility to identify individual findings as well as systemic issues. A separate report documents recommended options to remediate these findings.
Remediation Recommendations for Compliance Findings:
Bath PSM can recommend options to fix findings documented in a Hazardous Area Classification (HAC) compliance study. These recommendations can align with other improvements planned by the client but are always compliant with the assigned HAC and the National Electrical Code. Once new process electrical equipment is operating, our experience in common sense solutions can minimize the impact on the affected production area.